Smart Growth for Vernon, CT
Scranton Motors gets approval for expansion

By Suzanne Carlson
Journal Inquirer
Published: Friday, February 17, 2012 12:50 PM EST

VERNON — Scranton Motors has received approval from the Planning and Zoning Commission to build two additions to its Route 83 dealership in an effort to bring the location in line with General Motors’ desire to enhance customer service.

Located at 777 Talcottville Road, Scranton Motors has been in business in Vernon since 1952, and the latest upgrade to its facility will be an enhanced façade and new customer amenities.

The approved plan will add a 3,370-square-foot showroom and parts department to the left side of the existing building, and 2,900 square feet to the right side where a service garage with “valet-style” indoor drop off will be housed.

The portion of the 7.7-acre parcel where construction will take place already is paved, and engineer Eric Peterson said the project will have no negative environmental effects because it will not increase storm water runoff.

Sediment from disturbed ground will be trapped with silt barriers and kept from clogging existing catch basins, Peterson added.

The dealership property is within the “natural diversity database area,” which identifies habitat where threatened or endangered species might live, but Peterson said the area is essentially a narrow corridor along the Hockanum River, which is 1,000 feet west of construction activity, Peterson said.

There are no wetlands on the property or in the 100-foot upland review area, he added.

Because there are no existing sidewalks in the area, the commission unanimously approved a waiver from a requirement that developers install sidewalks around new construction. The overall application also was approved unanimously.

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